I need help finding an inexpensive, homemade laundry stain remover.

One that takes out black ink and nasty kitchen grease, especiall.

  5 answers
  • PJ Wise PJ Wise on Sep 19, 2017

    If you look here on HomeTalk, at the upper left icon, in the box "Find your next project," enter "homemade cleaning solutions" (or something in that realm). You will find all sorts of homemade cleaning hacks.

    I actually always had great luck using hairspray to remove ink (lay on paper towel to protect other side of material, spray, blot, repeat as necessary).

    For greasy stoves/ovens, use orange or lemon vinegar. I also use baking soda to help cut the grease.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Sep 19, 2017

    Alcohal for the ink, try it on an inside hem first to make sure it is good on the fabric. I use full strength liquid Tide or full strength dawn for grease. Hubby has worked as both mechanic and long haul heavy haul truck driver and would always have dark nasty grease on his clothes, especially fifth wheel grease. I was usually able to get his clothes clean between the two soaps. Dawn cleans his nasty hands just as well as the abrasive hand cleaners, too.

  • Anbe Anbe on Sep 19, 2017

    Mix equal parts of water, Dawn dish washing liquid and glycerin in spray bottle. Shake to blend, spray stain thoroughly. Will remove any and all food or grease stains. Try hair spray on the ink.

  • Lisa Waddell Lisa Waddell on Sep 19, 2017

    Alcohol will take the ink out. Kitchen grease is a wisk only stain! You can apply dawn dish detergent immediately, then let it dry and sometimes it comes out without pre-treating with wisk!

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Sep 19, 2017

    Hair spray is great on ink stains. The cheap spray kind. Dawn dish detergent (the original blue) is great on grease stains. I keep a can of hairspray and a bottle of Dawn for just those purposes.