How do I get rid of dog pee smell out of carpet once dried?

by Jena

How to get rid of dog pee smell once dried in carpet

  5 answers
  • Sharon Sharon on May 10, 2019

    Try Natures Miracle skunk smell remover, put in spray bottle , spray area, leave on 5 minutes, then dab with clean cloth.....can find on Amazon. Really works well on all odors

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on May 10, 2019

    Not all enzyme cleaners are equally effective. Good enzyme cleaners are typically a bit more expensive. Cheap ones will work, but need to be reapplied over and over (and probably end up costing as much as the more expensive enzyme cleaners). Enzyme cleaners this author is aware of that work well and reliably include Nok Out, Urine Off, and Anti-Icky Poo.

    Of course any cleaner needs to be used properly. Most enzyme cleaners come in a spray bottle. This is deceptive, because just spraying a light layer of enzyme cleaner over a urine stain will not result in complete cleaning of that spot, unless the enzyme cleaner completely envelopes all of the pee, even it won’t work. “Spraying” doesn’t work. Dousing, pouring, and soaking are required when cleaning up pet urine.

    The only thing that will break down the uric acid to permanently remove the smell is an enzyme cleaner. The enzymes break down uric acid into carbon dioxide and ammonia, both gasses that then easily evaporate. This is why it is also essential to allow the enzyme cleaner to air dry. It needs the “natural” drying time to break down the uric acid salts, allowing the resulting gases to evaporate.To properly use an enzyme cleaner on a fresh stain:

    1. Blot up as much of the urine as you can before applying anything.

    2. Soak the affected area with the enzyme cleaner.

    3. Let the enzyme cleaner sit for 10 to 15 minutes.

    4. Blot up as much of the enzyme cleaner as possible.

    5. Leave the enzyme cleaner to air dry.

    Covering the area loosely with something is always a good idea. This will not only help prevent the cat from attempting to pee on the same spot while the enzyme cleaner does its work; it will stop family members from stepping or sitting on the wet spot. Some people lay aluminum foil down over the area; other recommendations include an upside down laundry basket or an aluminum baking sheet.

    The same basic procedures apply for an old stain. But be aware that an old stain may require two or three full cycles of enzyme cleaner application (allowing it to completely dry between applications) in order to completely clean the stain.

  • Lorraine Lorraine on May 11, 2019

    I use Spot Shot for pets. I’ve never found anything else that works like this does. My dog will spit up bile once in a while and this product takes stain out immediately. I forgot to leave the doggie door open one time and he peed on my carpet. Again, used this product, no odor and took the pee right out of the carpet.

  • Sandy Wegmann Sandy Wegmann on May 12, 2019

    Go over and over it with rug shampooer and use a good rug shampoo for pet stains.