How to clean a dirty bath tub

by Stephanie
Any ideas on cleaning a bath tub that hasn't been clean in a while? The bottom has caked on dirt and the sides soap scum. I'd prefer something without bleach, if possible. Thanks!
  13 answers
  • Pat4344727 Pat4344727 on Apr 11, 2016
    same advice I just gave on cleaning tile and grout..use The Works 98 cents at wal mart its use is for toilet bowls but it is amazing stuff..squirt it on let it sit and then off you go
  • Beth Beth on Apr 11, 2016
    I use a razor blade to get rid of the soap scum because no matter how many times you spray it with commercial products it doesn't really come off. I usually line the tub with a disposable cloth to catch the shavings
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 11, 2016
    Try making a paste of white vinegar and warm water,spread all over the tub leaving on long enough to aid in the removal of dirt and scum.
  • Rosemary Kelly Rosemary Kelly on Apr 11, 2016
    I agree with the single edge razor blade. It shaves right off. Kind of satisfying too!
  • Maureen Maureen on Apr 11, 2016
    Wow, this was my college apartment after finals. First, scrape out what you can and then use a scraper that won't scratch the tub or be very careful not to scratch it. Confession - didn't scrape at first,but know it would help. Then grab a squirt bottle of Scrubbing Bubbles - it's a bit pasty. Read the directions and if it says to use water, use a wet brush and apply the Scrubbing Bubbles to all tub parts needing cleaning. Go do something else and come back and scrub the tub, again, getting off as much of the scum as you can, using a wet brush. Rinse. Reapply and do again, don't forget the wait time, if it's too hard for all the stuff to come off. It did take a few scrubs, but we did notice that giving the paste a bit of time to work definitely made the work easier. Good luck!
  • Deb Deb on Apr 11, 2016
    Nicole Curtis uses white vinegar and a good scrubbing on her show when she cleans those bathtub.
  • Linda Couckuyt Linda Couckuyt on Apr 11, 2016
    Bartender's Friend! Spray it on well and watch a tv show for an hour or so. Come back and, with a plastic scrubbie, clean the tub. If it doesn't get it all, repeat not forgetting to relax and watch tv for an hour while it works in your place. Easy, peasy, breezy. Have fun!
  • Barbara Bromwich Barbara Bromwich on Apr 11, 2016
    I use equal parts Dawn Dish soap and White Vinegar, place in a spray bottle. Spray the solution on the walss, in the tub and on the hardware. Sprinkle with Arm and Hammer Baking Soda and let sit for a couple of hours. Spray more solution if it gets dry. It will wipe off very easily. Rinse etc.
  • Brenda Albright Brenda Albright on Apr 11, 2016
    Bar Keepers Friend I had horrible well water at my last house and the soap build up and rust was impossible to clean. Used thisnlroduct and it cleaned up beautifully in a hurry
  • Warren A Steele Sr Warren A Steele Sr on Apr 11, 2016
    PLUS, the Bachelor housekeeper shows on his site a round cup brush with a shaft (spindle) that fits in a cordless drill. They are available on line just for this purpose, but up to $30.00. So I found a couple fairly stiff bristle brushes, drilled a hole thru the exact center, then put in a long screws with nuts and washer on both sides. Chucked in my 18V drill--short work. Even my teenage grandson liked it enough to do the tub and tile before visitors came. !
  • Candy Shields Candy Shields on Apr 11, 2016
    You an use "The Works" (toilet bowl cleaner you can buy at Walmart..) in a well ventilated room.. open the windows and turn on the fan and squirt it on and let it sit for 10 minutes and then use a brush and scrub the tub, then just rinse it down the drain.. we use it on our fiberglass boat and have used it on our pontoon s on our pontoon before we sold it, we have used it on white wall tires and shower walls.. just don't use it on your chrome faucette, as it will discolor them... and be sure to ventilate!!!
  • MN Mom MN Mom on Apr 13, 2016
    This sounds weird but I scrub stuff with used dryer sheets. Spray a 50/50 mixture of blue Dawn dish soap and white vinegar. Let that sit a bit and then wad up some used dryer sheets and start scrubbing. You can also scrub with a new clean toilet brush.
  • Stacy Letner Garbrick Stacy Letner Garbrick on Apr 13, 2016
    For the difficult parts I suggest Lime Away ( I clean for a living ) , if it is a porcelain tub you can use a Pumice stone to get out tough stains . For regular cleaning I suggest spraying down the walls with Scrubbing bubbles , take a wet cloth and wash every wall , rinse with water . Scrub bottom of shower with Comet( if needed) or soft scrub and rinse well .