How do you clean up pans from toast pecans?

by Nancy
  3 answers
  • 27524803 27524803 on Nov 19, 2017

    Can toast them in a skillet on the stove...Medium heat and watch them so they don't burn. They can also be toasted, spread out, on a sheet pan in the oven...325 degrees... check often so they don't burn.

  • A small amount you can do in a dry skillet on top of the stove, just keep moving them around so they do not burn - the minute their scent fills the air, turn off the heat and remove from pan to a plate or paper towels to cool before handling. For a larger amount you can do on a cookie sheet in the oven. I do 350 or less depending if whole nuts or pre chopped. Here is a link.

  • Castrang17 Castrang17 on Nov 20, 2017

    Hmm....I-smell them roasting already! Don’t forget to lightly sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar, while they still hot. Enjoy!