Asked on Sep 25, 2017

How can I lighten up my barn board wall?

by Janis
I tried a method that I've seen posted using vinegar and steel wool to stain my barn board wall. I used tea to bring out the tannin in the wood as suggested and it turned my wall dark brown instead of grey. I tried putting a grey store bought stain over it to make it more grey but it is still very dark. Could I use a white wash or something to lighten it up. It is supposed to be grey.
  9 answers
  • FL FL on Sep 25, 2017

    Here is a site that reviews the techniques of lightening wood through the processes of whitewashing or pickling. I hope it helps. Good luck!

  • Yvonne 'Nan' Larson Yvonne 'Nan' Larson on Sep 25, 2017

    Have you tried wood bleach from a home improvement store? Or diluted cloth bleach?

  • Terri Terri on Sep 25, 2017

    When we moved into our house there was rough sawn cedar--natural on the walls. It was SO DARK! I took some white paint and diluted it slightly with water. THen dipped and brushed the paint mostly off, then brushed the wall with the nearly dry brush. Everyone that comes in thinks it's barn wood! If your barn wood has a slight texture I would think this would work for you too!

    • Janis Janis on Sep 25, 2017

      thanks a million. I actually left the wood rough cut to give it more of a barn board look which is why I think the tea stained it so dark. I'll give this a whirl.

  • FL FL on Sep 25, 2017

    You're welcome!

  • Cindy Hagemann Cindy Hagemann on Oct 01, 2017

    White wash it using watered down chalk paint, I did my shiplap that way and love it.

  • Linda 4 Real Linda 4 Real on Oct 05, 2017

    You may want to be sure to prep before any of the techniques suggested, especially since you did some treatment already. My recommendation I used on kitchen cabinets and a fireplace shelf was the liquid sandpaper product that is used specifically for refinishing cabinets. May need a tough of sanding but this stuff rocks. Before my first use of it, I always sanded and it took forever, and will wear you out. This stuff you put on (easy), let set, wipe down..& it is perfect and ready for anything. Obviously follow directions on product or get some for another project. I refinished a large kitchen full of cabinets with this and it worked perfectly.

    If for any reason, you don't get the results you want with whitewashing or other. You can do a technique that looks just like

    • Linda 4 Real Linda 4 Real on Oct 05, 2017

      shiplap but very inexpensive. You can by 1/4th" plywood sheet and rip it to 4" or your choice in strips, then cut to different lengths that fit space and give look you want (no 4 corners meeting is best). Use liquid nails and quarters to space boards. Brad nailer or even better hammer in flat round nails of whatever metal color you want and roll diluted white paint over. New wall!

  • Abc Abc on Oct 21, 2017

    Janis Canada,

    Would you mind telling me what brand your big screen tv is? Some years back I really wanted one framed in white like in your picture, but couldn't find one.

  • Kristen Karpf Mueller Kristen Karpf Mueller on Oct 23, 2017

    My mom found several cans of pickling on a close out at a store... she has a log house and used that product with great success. Good luck