Dragonfly tutorial using re-purposed materials

How to make a dragonfly from discarded materials. This particular one is made from an old rusted out sign, chair leg and old keys. I used a plasma cutter to cut out wings from old rusted sign. I then primered and painted chair leg. The next thing you do is lay out the wings and drill holes in the metal wings and leg. You will use two 1 inch wood screws per wing. I wanted to do something different for the eyes so I went with old keys and the antennas come from an wire decor item that used to hang on the wall. The final step is to use a clearcoat spray to seal the metal and leg. These look wonderful on porches, in the garden and even in the house! www.facebook.com/repurposedlifeokla
I used a plasma cutter to cut out wings.
Wings cutout with plasma cutter
Drill holes through metal wings and chair leg
Once you have your holes drilled, you will need 1 inch wood screws to attach the wings to the body.
You can attach hanger with top screw.
keys for eyes
Strips of metal attached with a screw and then shaped.
Last step is to spray clearcoat to seal metal and wood.
Here is the finished dragonfly!
Tina @ Repurposed Life
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Julie Deane Julie Deane on Feb 18, 2020

    I love this!! I up-cycle and repurpose as well. I have yet to find a clear sealer that doesn’t leave a film of sorts on my projects. Does the one you used leave any kind of film or like spray dots? How long dies the wood portion f your dragon fly last outside? The wings and this are awesome!! From one artist to another great work love it

  • Justine Martin Justine Martin on May 24, 2020

    Hey. I want to try this. Have never done anything like before. I am hoping to make it a living sculpture with plants like sedum as the body. What are the ratios for body to wings

  • Suzanne L Suzanne L on Nov 02, 2021

    I don't own a plasma cutter or know anyone who does is there another way to cut the wings?

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