Here's a Quilt I Made From My Husband's Old Jeans
My husband had a stack of old jeans that were just taking up space so I decided to make them into a quilt. This is an I Spy quilt, all the fabrics are different, no repeats. It's also a rag quilt because the edges are frayed. I have a more detailed tutorial on my website.
I cut pairs of jeans open along the seams. I used a pasta bowl and sharpie to trace circles onto the inside of old jeans.
I cut out the circles using a nice sharp pair of scissors.
I figured out what size square would fit inside the circle and made a templete out of a manila file.
I marked the square on the wrong side of half the denim circles. I sewed circles into rows.
Before I sewed the rows together, I used a ruler to join the square markings on half the rows. This is my sewing line.
I then joined all the rows together. I pressed the seams open like you see below.
Before I started this sewing project I ordered I Spy pre cut fabric squares from ebay.
I pinned the fabric squares to the denim. I did this on the ironing board and slid an acrylic ruler under the quilt to avoid pinning to the ironing board cover.
Then, I stitched down the flaps using the presser foot edge as my guide. I did the stitching in long rows. I did all the horizontal stitching and then did the vertical stitching. It goes surprisingly fast.
This is what the quilt looked like at this stage.
Next, I attached the binding. My daughter picked out this funky yellow fabric.
I carefully clipped the seam allowance and tossed the quilt in the washing machine. I washed it twice, cleaning out the lint from the washing machine in between cycles. When the quilt was in the dryer, there was a TON of lint and I cleaned out the dryer vent several times while the quilt was drying.
DIY home decor using vintage fabric
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Suggested materials:
- Denim (My closet)
- Cotton Squares (eBay)
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Beverly Wadford on Jul 21, 2024
very pretty!
Happy Days Hometalker on Aug 26, 2024
This is quite the labor of love; blue jean material is not all that easy to work with. It is a beautiful family heirloom!
Frequently asked questions
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I have to say you made this look so simple. I completely understood the instructions. I want to give this a try. I wish you had shared a picture of the other side. I think I have niece or nephew who would love to receive such a blanket. Additionally I so love a reason to visit a thrift store. Great job.
wish I had seen your project first. I tried my own and made so many mistakes it still isn't finished. I keep putting it off. But yours looks great. Is it heavy? Mine sure is and if I ever finish it, it'll be perfect for camping.
Do you sell these?