Best wood to use for dreamcatchers?

I have been making / selling dreamcatchers for a bit. However, I'd like to switch from using embroidery hoops to actual wood from our woods out back. Any suggestions on what type(s) of wood can bend easily? Or be formed into a circular shape but still have integrity? Thanks!
  8 answers
  • Darla Darla on Aug 14, 2014
    Most green twigs could be used. Willow is very flexible, maple is strong. I'd suggest that you just go out and try some sticks! You could wind them around several times to make them stronger and more circular.
  • Hannah V Hannah V on Aug 14, 2014
    Maybe @Redeemwood could give you some good insight on this! :)
  • Bonnie Kirschner Bonnie Kirschner on Aug 15, 2014
    The traditional crafters in my Native American community most often use willow, but sometimes birch or aspen if they get those twigs early in the spring when they're supple.
  • Just about any wood will work. You would need a steamer however to make many pliable however. Here is just one sample of a home made steamer, just so you can see anyone can make one. But U tube search homemade wood steamers and you will see dozens of these that you can construct with little effort in an afternoon. You simply place any piece of wood, regardless of type. Remove bark first, or simply purchase wood at the local lumber store that may interest you. Into the steamer and leave it there for a while. The time it takes depends on the type and size (thickness) of wood you want to bend. My grandfather used to make chairs with arched spindles on the back. This is exactly how he did it. A old pipe with a bucket of steaming water connected to it. After a few hours he pulled them out and place them in a jig he made with the arch he wanted. After the wood cooled, it stayed in the arch. For circles or fancy shapes, you would need to do the same. Screw or nail small blocks of wood to create the pattern or shape you want then take the softened wood quickly onto the pattern and clamp it in. Hope you share your craft with photos.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Aug 16, 2014
    Any kind of vine works well...and branches. Have you ever tried making hoops out of something like Forsythia? It grows so fast. Strip off the leaves, make hoop and drop them over an upturned bucket to dry. Since this plant grows from early spring to fall, you would have an ample supply. But then almost any small limb that is flexible would be worth a try. I would suggest using them at least about as thick as your small finger! Or even winding a couple together before looping! I know this works for making wreaths!
  • Thank you so much @Darla @Hannah V @Bonnie Kirschner + @Woodbridge Environmental -- your answers were so helpful!
  • Thanks for the helpful information @Jeanette S ! I've never tried forsythia, but I'm going to definitely give it a go :)