How do I put up wallpaper without glue?

by Yon28809439
  8 answers
  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Dec 17, 2017

    If you want it attached to the walls the only other thing you can do is by self-stick wallpaper. Are you wondering because you have a rental and can't mark the walls? If that is the case, there are some removeable wallpapers. I had one years ago and when it became time to change it, I just started pulling at a corner and it came down. It wasn't perfect, there were a few places that I had to gently scrape but it wasn't hard, just time consuming. Then I washed the walls to remove any traces of wallpaper paste. After doing that, I painted the room.

    Another option if you don't care if it's stuck to a wall would be to hang it from a rod. In a small enough space, a tension rod might work, but it's really not going to look like a wallpapered room. Plus you'll have to find a way to get it to hang straight because it will curl if it's completely dry. Wishing you the best and Happy Holidays!

  • Mac6231 Mac6231 on Dec 18, 2017

    Staples? Thumb tacks? Scotch tape? Push pins?

  • Cha9441623 Cha9441623 on Dec 18, 2017

    Peel and stick is very expensive. Strippable wallpaper is probably your best idea. Before you hang it, be sure to apply a good wall prep to the walls first. This will ensure that when you remove it, it will come down without damaging the walls by pulling the sheet rock paper with it. You can ask at your local paint store for a product that does a good job. Strippable paper is put up with water applied to the back. Read instructions. After it has cured to the wall (at least 6 weeks), it can be removed easily. I would suggest you do NOT hang this in a bathroom that has a well-used shower or else it will be coming down long before you want it to. When purchasing your paper, BE SURE to read the label that should say STRIPPABLE not PEELABLE. Peelable is a wallpaper that will leave the paper backing on the wall when you peel it off. As a retired professional paperhanger, if you can go in a different direction than wallpaper, do it. This can be a project you might be sorry you started. Why not consider just painting the walls....maybe doing a stripe using different colors of paint? It can be easily covered with paint when you get tired of it. It's cheaper and easier, but will still give you that "I did it" prideful feeling!

  • Snapoutofit Snapoutofit on Dec 18, 2017

    I like this idea: Applying fabric to a wall with liquid starch is a great solution for renters and commitment-phobes alike. A bit time intensive, yes, but the results are just about as good as it gets. And unlike wallpaper, you can take it with you when you move!

  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Dec 18, 2017

    If it is pre-glued you usually dip in water.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Oct 26, 2022

    Strip-able wall paper is an easy solution.

  • Mogie Mogie on Nov 04, 2022

    Check into removable wall paper.