Asked on Dec 10, 2014

Make a Chalkboard Wall on 60's Wood Paneling

by RJack
Looking for comments &/or help with painting paneling.
kitchen area
The wall on the left with the cabinet above & below is coming out. We're moving the refrigerator & recessing in (there is a utility room behind wall that we can take space from). So the wall (you can only see about half of it on the far left) is the area I want to make into a chalk board. Anything special in terms of paint? Kilz then chalk board paint? Right? This paneling has a slight shine to it. There are no grooves. We plan on painting all the paneling. I've inserted another picture so you can see more of this 1960's paneling.
more of the lovely 60's paneling.
We'll also paint the brick. I'm thinking a white or grayish white for the brick.
Just the other side of the kitchen. We'll paint the walls & the cabinets. Not a fan of the yellowed tone.
  5 answers
  • Adrianne C Adrianne C on Dec 12, 2014
    Lots of great storage! A friend prefers Bin primer over Kilz. Although now they have primer in the paint. Someone in the paint department at a home supply store told me that it isn't really primer, it's just thicker paint. I don't know. I've painted over paneling before and it took 3 coats.
    • Judy Parkey Judy Parkey on Feb 24, 2015
      @Adrianne C I can believe it just thicker paint over being "primer". I love Bin primer!!!!
  • RJack RJack on Dec 12, 2014
    Yes. there are some really good paints with primer. I always buy from Sherwin Williams. Bad experience with Behr & home depot paint. I'm not concerned about painting cabinets; done that before. The walls another story. There seems to be a slight finish on them. Thanks for the comments.
  • A good, strong white or gray primer will make your paneling paint-ready. I've painted paneling before with no trouble at all. I've also actually attempted to fill in the cracks with no-shrink spackle, then sanded and painted them. The results were good.
  • Country Design Home Country Design Home on Feb 01, 2015
    I have used quite a few brands of chalkboard paint, but have found that Benjamin Moore's is the smoothest and provides the best coverage. I don't think you would need to prime with using that. Also, it can be mixed in any color at your local Benjamin Moore paint store, so if you don't want it to be black you can choose the color.
    • Judy Parkey Judy Parkey on Feb 24, 2015
      @Sue@CountryDesignHome Big ol' KISS for the tip on Benjamin Moore chalkboard paint!!!!!
  • Kim Childs Kim Childs on Mar 03, 2015
    Something I did in my house in Nevada before I primed the paneling was fill the lines in the paneling with sparkle/joint compound with a nice sharp edged paint scraper-makes for very little sanding. I let it dry and sanded any rough spots that I missed. The whole wall got a light sand to smooth out rough paneling, actually. Then I primed and painted a lovely pale grey. The walls looked almost like regular drywall, however since the theme of the room was a beach/nautical theme, the pale grey brightened the room up immensely, and the theme compensated for the slightly rough surface I left.
    • Cindy Douglass Cindy Douglass on Aug 09, 2017

      Wwaayyy back in the 1980s, I did the same (fill the lines in the paneling) and covered with wallpaper. At the time, it made the dining room adorable. Now I would rip my eyes out at wallpaper.