Mod Podge with copy paper

by Laurie
How can copy paper be successfully mod podged on wood or a wall or cardboard or... I have not been able to achieve a nice clean flat unwrinkled application. Is it possible? Do I need heavier paper?
  8 answers
  • 9530106 9530106 on Mar 05, 2016
    I have also read to use wall paper paste instead of the mod podge, to prevent bubbles and wrinkles. I have not tried it, but I too have trouble with wrinkles, etc. I think if the paper is too thin there really is no way around it, though!
  • Country Design Home Country Design Home on Mar 05, 2016
    Hi Laurie! I just finished applying map sections to a wood trunk. I got the idea from a fellow Hometalker, so I gave it a try, and it worked! I just sprayed a couple of coats of matte finish varnish to each side of the printed paper, allowed it to dry, then applied it. Here is the full tutorial: Now I know that map paper is a bit thicker than copy paper, so it may not work quite as well, but you could give it a try. I also do not use Modge Podge any longer, as I have found another product called Wunda Size that is a great glue for all types of applications.
  • Gail Lozier Gail Lozier on Mar 05, 2016
    Can you use spray adhesive to adhere the paper and use Mod Podge to cover it once it's up flat ?
  • Duv310660 Duv310660 on Mar 05, 2016
    for any adhesive: 1. position your paper using a "hinge" of tape 2. flip over your paper to the backside while the "hinge" of tape keeps it in place 3. use a straight-edged piece of cardboard like a squeegee and move a blob of adhesive around the back and over the edges to deposit an Even, Thin Coat Over Everything (or you can spray the back if using spray adhesive) 4. flip the paper back over with a gentle but firm hold while you smooth it into contact. Smooth towards your "laying down" hand; once contacted, smooth from centre out in all directions. 5. wipe up "squeeze-out" with a clean damp cloth; in the case of spray mount, you will need to protect areas with newspaper before you spray. This technique is a little tricky at first, but then you've learned how to Adhere Everything Absolutely Perfectly with no wrinkles or bulges. Back in the day before computers, we used to use the protective blue paper that comes with rub-on type (Letraset) to move around and place items that had rubber cement or spray adhesive (the blue paper would not adhere to these glues). You can try wax paper or similar with spray adhesive; surely there is some kind of substitute that would work the same!
  • Daricelynn Daricelynn on Mar 05, 2016
    I haven't tried it but I'm wondering if wallpaper liner underneath would help.
  • Sue Sue on Mar 05, 2016
    I print out my pictures with my ink jet copier and lightly spray with clear varnish. Let it dry and then paint the back only with Mod Podge. Apply the picture to your surface and smooth it using a soft towel. Let it dry overnight and then Mod Podge the top surface. I also would rather print my pictures on matte finish photo paper. It really looks more professional. It works for me. Good luck.
    • Laurie Laurie on Mar 05, 2016
      @Thank You Sue I will try this. I am making a set of three for a gift and the trial has been all error so far.
  • Sharon Reynolds Sharon Reynolds on Mar 08, 2016
    Would this technique also work to eliminate brush marks that occur on mod podge on top of photo? I have almost given up using this product because of the "streaks" I get on my photo when I apply it to wood.