Standard Builder Mirror cut to be put in frames cost

by Judy
In our new home we have the standard flat builder mirrors. No frames around them. Realizing that I could build a frame around them that's not really the look I want. My original plans were to have hanging mirrors in frames. With local stores selling framed mirrors for approx $100 would it be cheaper to take the builder mirrors down and have them cut and put into existing frames I have? Does anyone have any opinions on price.
  3 answers
  • Katie Katie on Mar 02, 2014
    You might buy a glass cutter and cut the morris down yourself. It's super easy to do. You should be able to buy a glass cutter at your local hardware store. Then measure where you ant to cut and using a METAL ruler or square, score the glass (you can only make one run at this). place the cut on the edge of your table/work bench and tap the back of the mirror a couple of time and then just snap DOWN on it.
  • K. Stevens K. Stevens on Mar 03, 2014
    I have done this in my home and am very pleased with the results. The glass company didn't even charge me to do this since I brought him the mirror and the frame that I bought at a garage sale for $5.00! I would do this again even if I had to pay to have it done.
  • Judy Judy on Mar 03, 2014
    Thanks, I'm going to have the painter take them down and fix the sheet rock. And I'm going to get them framed. I have some large framed prints that I don't want anymore so I going to use those frames.