Asked on Mar 02, 2018

What material can you use to fill bean bag chairs?

Bessie Benson
by Bessie Benson
I want to fill some old bean bag chairs purchased at a yard sale but I don't want to use the little white foam pieces. I would like to be able to use old clothes or bedspreads and cut them into small pieces. Would this work???

  11 answers
  • Ann Cherkas Halstead Ann Cherkas Halstead on Mar 02, 2018

    You can but it will be heavy and not be able to move much.

  • what about plastic shopping bags scrunched up? I hate those little Styrofoam balls, they have so much static. You can also buy shredded foam (more like foam rubber) which is a little cleaner than the Styrofoam

  • Dfm Dfm on Mar 02, 2018 There is no fluff to the fabric,,,It would be lumpy and uncomfortable to sit on.

  • Karla Karla on Mar 02, 2018

    I would think if putting in clothes that they would get moldy inside the bean bag, not so sure I would do this.

  • Barb Adams Barb Adams on Mar 02, 2018

    I don't think you will be very happy with bean bag chairs filled with old clothes. The material used n bean bag chairs is generally fluffy and moves easily so you can mold it to the shape you prefer. How about fill from pillows, shredded foam rubber, plastic trash bags, and even real beans!

  • Karla Karla on Mar 02, 2018

    if the bean bag chair would get wet.

  • Rebecca Rebecca on Mar 02, 2018

    Hi! I see people on Craig’slist giving away packing peanuts. Also people will get rid of older camping foam pads for free. I would put an ad out in the wanted section and with some patience I’ll bet you could get good results.

    One more thought, if you know anyone in retail that can give you bubble wrap it would be great filler for your bean bag chairs. I know I get a lot of it every week at my place of work.

  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Mar 02, 2018

    I have used packing peanuts before. Here is an article that might help -

  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Mar 02, 2018

    They sell big bags of beanbag fill just for this purpose. This mixture won't flatten out eventually and is decently priced. I know you can buy it at Walmart, but I'm sure other stores carry this product.

  • Sharon Sharon on Mar 03, 2018

    I've made bean bag furniture before, and I would order huge bags of foam chips to fill them. Don't think clothes would work as it would compact and be too hard to be comfortable. Using clothes/fabric works for ottomans though.