What to do about a dip in the carpet?

by Gwa15905863
Carpet has a dip in one place handyman or carpetman

  4 answers
  • Ok, I am curious, what did handyman and carpet installer have to say about the "dip?"

  • Andra Andra on May 23, 2018

    Do you mean there is a dip from damage or from where something heavy sat? If it's from a heavy object, try placing an ice cube (or a couple cubes) inside the divot. Leave overnight and this should plump the dip back to how it should be.

  • Ebbjdl Ebbjdl on May 24, 2018

    This happens when the wood gets warped, the board sinks in, and so does the carpet. Depending on where the board is located. If it's near the border, take up the rug, and fix the board. If it's somewhere in the middle, I'd try to pull the carpet to make it taunt. My house creeks in the winter, because the wood contracts, in the summer it expands, and the creeks don't happen.

  • Connie Thompson-Durant Connie Thompson-Durant on May 24, 2018

    Put an ice cube on it and let it slowly melt. Wait 12 hours, blot up the wet spots, then use the edge of a spoon to lift the fibers up.