Adding glitter to a polyurethane floor

Paticia G
by Paticia G
Has anyone ever added glitter to a polyurethane for a floor? Thanks.
  5 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Feb 16, 2016
    I never did this as I have laminate flooring but I found this should you choose to watch it.
    • See 2 previous
    • Paticia G Paticia G on Feb 17, 2016
      @Janet Pizaro Thank you -I am still thinking about this
  • Janet Ridgeway Janet Ridgeway on Feb 17, 2016
    A wallpaper store in a village near us has done this with a cement floor. It was stained first and then glittered and then polyurethaned, I believe the owner said about 8 coats. It is stunning, but don't know if I could live with it. Just watched the video above. The one I saw was painted a dark blue/purple and the glitter was a mix of blue and silver. Stunning - looked like the pictures of space with galaxies, etc.
  • Erin Hugar Chavez Erin Hugar Chavez on Feb 17, 2016
    I have! We had a water leak and had to pull our laminate floor up. We really want some bamboo flooring; but it is too expensive right now, so we painted it with cement paint. After the paint was dry, we put down our poly and sprinkled glitter on top, and did it again with the second coat as well. For about 2 weeks afterwards, I would sweep up a little glitter each time (the glitter that didn't embed all the way into the poly), but it stopped after those two weeks. Here's my two cents: use FINE glitter, and be mindful that where the glitter lands, that's how it'll look. I found the best application method is to sprinkle it like cheese on top of a pizza. No regrets on our end. People LOVE our floor!
  • Paticia G Paticia G on Feb 17, 2016
    Thank you- this is most encouraging- I like the tip about using fine glitter and using it sparingly -as far as tracking around the house- well a little bling is always good
  • Pat Pat on Feb 18, 2016
    We did this years ago in our bathroom and if I remember right, the glitter was in the thick gooey white stuff we used. When it dried, was sort of soft like the old linoleum (didn't dig or scratch easily) but lasted for years. I never got tired of it. Love the look of the web site and the crafty person but that is a little too much glitter for me.
    • Paticia G Paticia G on Feb 18, 2016
      @Pat Thanks for the input If I do go wit glitter it will be very lightly