How to remove tiles from a radiant heated floors without damaging it.

by Elfi
  2 answers
  • Sharon Sharon on Oct 01, 2017

    If the tile was set over the heating element and covered with thinset, you should be able to remove and save the heating element. But if they were set over the heating element, just rip it all out.

    Take out one tile and see whats there.

  • Dov30509760 Dov30509760 on Oct 01, 2017

    Are you trying to save the floor or the tile? If the floor is heated by hot water, you may have to break up the tile a little at a time. If heated by electric mat, you should be able to pry up the mat and the tile will come up with it

    • Elfi Elfi on Oct 06, 2017

      I like to save the floor, it is heated with hot water.