German Cockroach

Small, about 1/2 to 5/8 inches in length, oval, brown to dark brown in color, 6 legs, antenna and wings (poor flyers, wings are only used to glide). The German Cockroach is a very common household pest. They infest more homes & businesses and in greater numbers than any other species of cockroach. They are nocturnal and primarily infest areas close to food, moisture and warmth, like kitchens & bathrooms (but can survive in cold climates as well). It is common to find them beneath appliances, cupboards and in cracks & crevices. They are most active at night, however, if you see them during the day, this could indicate a large cockroach population.The German Cockroach is omnivorous and a scavenger. They particularly like starch, sugary foods, grease and meats. In certain situations where there is a shortage of food supply, they may eat household items such as soap, glue, toothpaste, cloth, palstic and paper or they may even turn cannibalistic, often chewing on the wings and legs of each other. Females can produce one egg capsule every 20-25 days. Each capsule contains from 30-40 eggs and newborns become adults in as little as 30 days. This rapid reproduction and growth period can mean a severe infestation in a short period of time. In addition, they crawl through dirty areas and then walk around your home, tracking in lots of bacteria (including salmonella) and germs. They can contaminate food by shedding their skins. Their cast off skin and waste-products can also trigger allergic reactions, asthma and other illnesses, especially in children. Controlling & treating infestations can be very hard because of their rapid reproduction rate, their ability to hide in very small places, due to their size and that they have few natural predators inside a human habitat. Most infestations require professional treatment from a Pest Control Company, which chemical spraying or gel will be used. These types of methods must kill 95% of the overall population to be effective. Some prevention tips you can take include: 1) Keep cooking, eating and food storage areas clean & dry. 2) Seal up cracks & crevices inside & ouside your home. 3) Repair water drips & leaks inside & outside your home. 4) Seal all human & pet foods in hard plastic/metal containers. - Other interesting facts...German Cockroaches can live almost a month without food, 2 weeks without water and one week without it's head!
German Cockroach
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  • Ang3244885 Ang3244885 on Jun 27, 2016
    What is a safe way to rid a kitchen of German cockroaches
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  • Susan Susan on Apr 08, 2013
    I live in FL and hate roaches!! A relative gave me this home made recipe that works wonders! Roach bait recipe 1 lb boric powder 1 cup flour ½ cup sugar 1/2cup Crisco Mix above ingredients in a large bowl. Add enough water tomake a consistency of piecrust. Roll into small balls the size of mothballs.Line a cookie sheet with wax paper and place on there until dry. Place balls inthe corner where the problem exists. Do not put directly on carpeting or tile,place in bottle caps etc. Store remaining in airtight bag or jars. Keeps foryears.
  • Robin Robin on Oct 06, 2015
    DIATOMACEOUS EARTH 👾 that's the answer to ridding these gruesome things.