Angel trumpets?
Can anyone help ID the issues with leaves on A/T? They appear to be curling & some other issues as shown in pics. Thanks!
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According to my research the most common reason for leaves curling is too much sun and heat. Here's some more info:
Angel Trumpets require a great deal of calcium. That could be your issue.
here is info to help you with your issues on your AT plant
Too much sun and heat can cause the leaves to curl, there might some yellow/browning of the leaves which would also indicate too much sun. they prefer partial sun.
Just to be sure there is not insect infestation, take a look under the leaves for mites or aphids.
Hello. I see some holes in some of the leaves. Have you checked both the stems and the underside of the leaves for the chewing insects?
My experience with this plant is it needs heavy feeding and lots of water. I have only grown in a pot due to our seasonal temperature changes in zone seven and allowing for sucessful overwintering.
The following link might be helpful in a checklist of proper care and disease assessment.
Do know that your local cooperative extension is usually available to help. Our office in particular can collect plant or insect samples and send them to the University for expert examination and recommendations—if you cannot find your answer here. That could be an additional option to consider.
It has a bug
This will show you how to properly care for it:
My guess is the curling leaves are improper water and the holes are def. some sort of bug that may be eating on the leaves.
Brugmansia, Datura also known as Angels Trumpets will show signs of leaf curl if they are in full sun they prefer partial sun, they also need regular feeding to prevent yellowing of the leaves and to promote the growth of the huge flowers they produce. Ensure also that the plants pot is large enough as the root growth on these plants is amazing
My AT are both in sun all day long and I've never seen this. Could it be any kind of chemical spray that possibly blew on it?
Giving your angel trumpet too much or too little water can cause the leaves to curl.