Can I over spray my tomato plants with castile soap and water?
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I recommend spraying your plants once every 1-2 weeks unless you're noticing a real bug problem then try 1-2 times a week. Good luck!!
Thank you for your suggestion. I will definitely do that. I'm not sure if it's that bad of a bug problem.
I have grown both tomatoes and peppers in pots and never had a bug problem that required spraying. If you see damage spray them, otherwise I wouldn't do it too frequently. You don't want to damage the leaves by spraying too much. As long as you keep the plants healthy and keep bug damage to a minimum they will love you and produce a lot of fruit for you. Good luck on your first endeavor! You may end up planting a veggie garden after this. Make sure you cage your tomato, and your pepper if it gets too heavy with fruit.
If it is a bad problem, try a garlic mint spray
plant mint in a pot right beside them...this helps...I do it
I have never sprayed my tomatoes for pests. Check your plants daily or every two days to look for any sign of insect damage. I occasionally have horn worms strip leaves from plants but the are easy to remove by hand. Drop them in a can of kerosene, squish or however you choose, just kill them as soon as possible. A single hornworm can strip a plant in only a few days. Just treat problems rather than risk over doing a preventative that probably isn't needed. Enjoy your garden!
I do not treat any of my plants for pests unless there is a reason to. And I get loads of produce off of all my tomatoes, peppers or anything else I plant. I tend to all the plants daily, which I know not everyone has the opportunity to do. Gardening is supposed to be fun and not stressful. Enjoy your first adventure! Happy gardening! 🍅
1 bulb (not a clove) of garlic
1 1/2 mint leaves
1 tsp cayenne pepper
6 cup of water
1 small squirt of dish dertergent
pulse garlic and mint in a blender put in a pot add water pepper and detergent bring to a boil llet stand over night Strain through a coffee filter put in a spray bottle spray the top and bottem ol the leaves you should be bug free in 24 to 48 hours
After each rain
oops that should read 1 1/2 cups of mint
bugs don't like mint or lemon geranium...don't know about lavender...nice plant though
I would plant them close by to see if it would win win
Instead of spraying, Google Companion Plants and see what will repel pests for what you have planted. For example, tomatoes and basil or marigolds do well together, I have used this system for years with great results.