I have a Christmas Cactus n it wont bloom

by Patty

It bloomed 1 time n that was in 2011,

  1 answer
  • OceeB OceeB on Jul 19, 2018


    I feel your frustration and i had this problem too. i found they need a drastic temp change and something to trigger the Season change.

    1) Try 12 – 14 hours of darkness per day. It needs to get this reduction in light approximately 8 weeks before you want it to bloom.

    2) keep soil drier. Wait until the top 1/4 to 1/2 of the soil dries out before watering again. Anywhere from every 3-6 weeks

    3) A temperature kept between 50 & 65 degrees F. IAround mid-October for Christmas . After the buds start to appear, then move it back to your fav spot, resume normal care and enjoy the beautiful flowers.

    My mom did nothing to her cactus and they bloomed profusely. They lived in a sun room that had no heat or air and even got frigid temps in winter so will depend on just how hardy your lil guy is