My onions are growing tall so how can I make the bulbs bigger?

by Rosebud
  1 answer
  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on May 27, 2017

    Onion sets and onion plants require loose soil and should be planted early (end of February or March). Dig a shallow trench, working in compost or fertilizer for big onions. Likewise, raised beds can be implemented. Plant the onions about an inch deep and 4-5 inches apart. Wider spacing makes it easier to control weeds, which can compete for nutrients. Keep the area weed free; otherwise, the onions won’t grow big. Once onion bulbs begin to swell (in late spring), ensure that they remain above ground. Onion plants will continue to increase in size until the middle of summer, at which time their tops begin to fade. Once these tops have completely faded and fallen over, onion plants can be pulled and left in the sun to dry for several days before storing in a cool, dry area. Growing onions doesn’t have to be frustrating. Start them early, follow the above big onion facts and remember to add compost or fertilizer for big onions.

    Read more at Gardening Know How: Onion Info – Tips For Growing Big Onions

    • Rosebud Rosebud on May 27, 2017

      Thank you. That was very helpful. Can't wait to give it a try. I really love onions and put them in many of my meals.