Planting mondo grass
Walter Reeves on Jan 23, 2012You'll go broke trying to plant it close together. I hired a high school kid to separate a big clump and plant individual plant 6" apart. That was last summer and they have just started to expand a bit. Might take 3 years to get good coverage at this rate.....but in shade, it's worth it.Helpful Reply
Melissa G on Jan 23, 2012Thank you, Walter. Perhaps I'll start small. How would I get a big clump to separate -- can I buy it somewhere?Helpful Reply
Garden Rebel / Sims Landscaping, Co. on Jan 24, 2012Walter is right on as always.... just feed well and routinely and they will eventually grow in and be a great lawn replacement. You may want to consider some variegated clusters of other plants just to make it more interesting and appealing.Helpful Reply
Douglas Hunt on Jan 24, 2012Patience is definitely required with mondo grass. At least around me, it's commonly sold in 1-gallon pots, but I was at one nursery recently that sold flats in about 2 inch squares at a reasonable price.Helpful Reply
Mike and Anne on Jan 24, 2012Mondo is sold in 1-inch plugs in some nurseries and a flat of it is a little bit more than the gallon pot price. However, it is not that difficult to pull the sprigs out of a gallon pot and sprig it on 6-inch centers. To cover a large area you can always start in a section of the area you want to cover and mulch the rest of the space. Then as money, and your back, allow you can enlarge the bed.Helpful Reply
360 Sod (Donna Dixson) on Jan 24, 2012I sell 2" plugs (72 per tray) here. Call me for price and avail. :)Helpful Reply
Melissa G on Jan 24, 2012Thank you, everyone. I'm inspired to start this now!Helpful Reply
Flowerscapes Garden Design & Landscaping on Jan 24, 2012I just pulled out about a trash can full for a client. I gave them away to some neighbors. Mondo grass looks great to define an edge or border, and as a lawn replacement. The dwarf mondo also makes a great stand in for a lawn, but probably will cost more.Helpful Reply
Ricardo B on Jan 24, 2012Mondo is hearty and looks great planted as you intend. Would you believe I've actually just taken an broad pick-axe or shovel and split out plugs to expand the band. I think what stays actually likes it so it can continue to expand to close up the spaces left.Helpful Reply
Robin F on Jan 26, 2012I have tons of mondo, and you are welcome to come and dig up all you like. I live in lawrenceville - this is the 3rd house I have brought it to - each time I moved, I dug up some, placed it in a black plastic bag, w/ a little moisture and it kept great until I got around to planting at my new house.Helpful Reply
Ann W on Mar 13, 2012it is expensive but each purchased plant can be immediately divided into 3-4 plants ---taught to me by a landscape architect from univ fl--I was using them in between pavers for a soft patio look in FLHelpful Reply
RArt on Dec 30, 2013I planted my entire yard in dwarf mondo. I planted about 3 inches apart to reduce clumping. I had to weed by hand the first 2 years but after 4 years it is VERY dense. I suggest looking at several nursery's and counting the number of plants in each container. This is important because in a 2 inch pot I found the count to vary from nursery to nursery from about 10 sprigs to 35 sprigs. When separating, this becomes important. My yard is green year around and I never mow, hardly water and very seldom find any weeds. Another thing, I killed all of the grass several months before planting mondo and I tilled the yard throughly then planted each sprig by hand about 3 inches apart by hand pushing the dirt against the roots. Lots of work but I am very glad that I did it. I have almost no maintenance on it now...Helpful Reply
Karen B on Dec 30, 2013Will it thrive in full sun?Helpful Reply
Sue-a on Mar 31, 2014I want to use dwarf mondo to outline paths of a labyrinth in an established back yard. Do I need to keep them spaced away from the grass to get them to multiply?Helpful Reply
Clare Olson on Sep 04, 2014I live in Northern California, the East Bay and it can get pretty hot. I have a small back garden and am thinking Mondo over sod,,,,is this a good choice?? And where should I buy it to get the most for the least amount of $$$$Helpful Reply
Clare Olson on Sep 05, 2014We don't intend to walk on it actually....and I'm not even worried about it filling in. I like the look of the tufts with mulch around it. Is it less water than sod?? and what is the cheapest way for me to buy it?? Thank you!!Helpful Reply
Tom Mitchener on Sep 05, 2014could this grow in Ontario, Canada?Helpful Reply
Helen on Sep 07, 2014Mondo grass down south takes over fast. I just pulled out a whole bed and it's still coming up. I guess I don't understand why anyone would want the stuff. It was in a contained bed with big rocks and it went in between the rocks and out in the gravel driveway. Besides it's a great place for snakes and spiders to hide.Helpful Reply
Cubasian Invasion on Oct 14, 2014We put in a pool last year and killed all of the grass we had ( which wasn't much). Have a lot of shade and a lot of traffic through my yard because of kids and pets. Would love to plant mondo to eliminate the desert look, and all of the dust from the dirt. Just don't know where to start, can mondo even be purchased and planted during the fall season? Pretty new to thisHelpful Reply
Hong on Dec 22, 2014I am in Philadelphia area. I just picked some Mondo grass seeds from my friends yard yesterday. Any one know what should I do with them? Plant it right now? I have temperature at 30 here. Or save it for next spring? But I hear Mondo grass can not store for long. Maybe plant it indoor, such as basement?Helpful Reply
- See 2 previous
Pat Nicholson on Jan 24, 2015Please advise me on using mondo grass (mini or regular) as a lawn alternative for my mole invaded neighborhood. Treating the mole crickets in my yard will work for a couple of years, but the moles just move to neighboring yards. Then they return and wipe out the lawn every three years or so. Thanks so much! Pat in Charleston SCHelpful Reply
Jenny Troitzsch on Apr 03, 2015We just moved into a new house in Atlanta. The grass that is in the garden behind the house is a lot like Mondo, but I'm not sure. There are some parts that are not grass that had a dog track and would like to fill them with the same type of grass. It's evergreen dark all year round and strong. I let them been growing to see if flowers for seeds. So far there is no sign of flowering. Could I send you some images?Helpful Reply
Jenny Troitzsch on Apr 03, 2015It is a Fescue Grass... I don't know yet what type.Helpful Reply
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