Why doesn't my Hydrangea plant bloom anymore?

Penny Fillman
by Penny Fillman
  6 answers
  • La_26813123 La_26813123 on Aug 06, 2017

    Hydrangeas need iron. Look for a product in the garden section that supplies iron, or bury a bunch of rusty nails in the soil around the plant. They'll continue to rust and to supply iron to the soil.

  • Jody Jody on Aug 06, 2017

    NO, hydrangeas only need iron if you want to add ACID to make them change to blue!

    Are you pruning your hydrangeas? If so, you may be pruning them at the wrong time of year. Some hydrangeas need to be pruned right after bloom because they only bloom on OLD wood. Some hydrangeas need to be pruned in spring because they only bloom on NEW wood. Find out what type yours are and prune accordingly. Fertilizer never hurt, and enough water, of course. The "hydr" in hydrangea means WATER.

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Aug 06, 2017

    Hydrangeas should be pruned way back in late winter or very early spring before it begins to grow. It will bloom much better and have larger blooms when it is pruned way back. Consider a soil additive you can purchase at most hardware stores that sell plants and bushes. Look for your plan listed on the box. There are several types for flowering plants, fruit etc so be sure to pick up the right type of food for your plant. Good luck on getting more blooms next summer!

  • Jody Jody on Aug 06, 2017

    Are you pruning your hydrangeas? If so, you may be pruning them at the wrong time of year. Some hydrangeas need to be pruned right after bloom because they only bloom on OLD wood. Some hydrangeas need to be pruned in spring because they only bloom on NEW wood. Find out what type yours are and prune accordingly. Fertilizer never hurt, and enough water, of course. The "hydr" in hydrangea means WATER.

  • Penny Fillman Penny Fillman on Aug 06, 2017

    Thanks for all the helpful advice.