Does anybody know the right way to water your house plant ??

by Ear12003245
  6 answers
  • DesertRose DesertRose on Aug 26, 2017

    My Grandma taught me to put my finger in the soil. If it is dry up to the first knuckle, water it well (saturate it) then leave it alone until the soil is dry to the first knuckle again...(for me about a week)

  • Chuiry Chuiry on Aug 26, 2017

    I water my house plants from the bottom. I place the plant into a container or bowl of water and soak it until the top soil is wet. Then I drain it and let it dry out until the next time. This way I don't have to worry about not getting water on the leaves of certain plants, like African Violets, and I know that the plant has been watered thoroughly. I also use lukewarm water.

  • Grace Merrells Grace Merrells on Aug 26, 2017

    wont that depend on what the plant is? Have you googled the question including the plant variety? Generally speaking though, a plastic tide to,take water to the root level/bottom of your pot will help. Most don't like too much water but watering at the roots will be better for your plant and help you see if the soil gets too,wet or dry.

  • Just stick your finger in the soil about 1.5 - 2" down. If dry, time to water. If damp, check again in a day or two. Once you have done this a few times you will know how often to water each plant and you can develop your watering schedule.

  • Julie D. Grant Julie D. Grant on Aug 26, 2017

    Some plants only need a light sprinkling, others a good dowsing. Look it up on the Internet and you can get specifics about your plants. Once I did that, my plants are beautiful.

  • Sharon Sharon on Aug 26, 2017

    Varies from plant to plant, but general rule is to water the soil not the leaves or flowers. Some plants do well if you put in the sink and let the soil absorb the water from below. Some plants require misting. You can use the glass globes. When I buy a plant, I ask the nursery/store or look up the plant online.