How can i use my bath water and basin water to feed my garden

Linda Fouche
by Linda Fouche
  5 answers
  • Sharon Sharon on Jul 07, 2017

    We had to do that at home when our town went to water rationing to keep our hedges and trees alive. We kept plastic basins in each sink, and a plastic pitcher will bail the water out of the tub into a white kitty litter bucket to carry outside. Use organic soap products.

  • Depending on what soap you you use, you can. (Think of off the grid homesteads, they all have a filtering system in place.) But many municipalities have banned this practice for disease control (among others) issues. Check your local codes first.

  • we do that in periods of severe drought (luckily haven't had one in a long time).

  • Raven Farmer Raven Farmer on Jul 07, 2017

    If there is soap in that water, I would not use it for my garden

  • Allison Allison on Jul 09, 2017

    I have been doing this for years, drought or not. I use a kerosene pump that one uses to get the fuel from the can to the heater (I'm lazy and opted for the battery operated one, but the manual siphon works just as well) Pump it into a 5 gallon bucket, I use cat litter buckets and tote it out to a 55 gallon drum which is connected to a gravity fed, drip irrigation system. I only use castile soap or a product called Miracle II soap, both are fine for garden use. Thank you for being conservative with your water, every little bit helps.