How do I build a watering solution for my plants using copper tubing?

Marti Land
by Marti Land

How do I build a self water for my plants with copper tubing

  7 answers
  • Peggy L Burnette Peggy L Burnette on Sep 20, 2019

    Hi Marti, here is some ideas for self watering with copper tubing. Hope this is helpful. Wine Bottle Watering Device With Copper Tubing for ...

    Copper Tubing Garden Crafts Garden Art Garden Projects Home And Garden Plant Crafts Garden Ideas Garden Tips Outdoor Projects Have you seen those "As Seen on TV" Aqua Globes? If not, here's a thumbnail: they're glass bulb stakes that you fill with water and then insert into the dirt next to a plant which 'self-waters' the plant for, they say ...

  • Cindy Cindy on Sep 21, 2019

    Hi Marti. I'm Cindy. I use a soaker hose in my garden. It's really just a long hose with tiny holes down the entire length. Using this method I water the soil, not the leaves. This style of watering is called "deep root watering". It has made a huge difference in my garden. If you already have the copper tubing, you could do the same thing. Good luck Marti.

  • Deb K Deb K on Mar 07, 2021

    Hello, hope this helps you out,

  • Annie Annie on Sep 22, 2023

    This video seems to have some good info!

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jan 18, 2024

    Run a grid to feed the plants from a water supplyor maybe use a special leaky hose for the watering.

  • I don’t know if a perforated copper pipe exists but if not, you can drill a bunch of holes. Shop the plumbing aisle, see what valves and connections you’d need.

  • Mogie Mogie on Jan 22, 2024