Craft Room DIY Desk Tutorial

I have a small 10x10ft craft room in my home and needed to find a desk that would provide workspace and storage. After scouring the web and nearby stores, I figured my best option would be to build my desk using some simple supplies.
I purchased some white kitchen base cabinets from Lowe's, plywood for the base of the desktop, and laminate flooring for a finished look on the top. Add a little molding and it was perfect!
Two places to sit, 10 feet of workspace, plenty of storage, and one happy crafter!
I give step by step instructions on my site:
Overall craft room
Building the desk with white cabinets
Laminate flooring for the desktop
Drilled a hole for all those computer cords
Add toe kicks and molding for a finished look
Two places for sitting, plenty of workspace, and storage galore!
How to Nest for Less - Erin
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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2 of 11 comments
  • Denise Lynch Denise Lynch on Feb 08, 2015
    I did this and used an old door that was smooth on both sides, gave it a couple of coats of paint and voila-great work space. Later I did the habitat for Humanity cabinets for my sewing room, including a countertop that I cut in half to fit both ends and used the middle to make an ironing station. This is a very good idea and thank you for sharing. When you are on a budget, it helps to have helpful and affordable options and solutions.
  • Sandy Rolon Sandy Rolon on Jan 29, 2019

    I like this idea, shorten the middle one with one cabinet to place printer in the middle to simulate separation, shelving on the wall instead of boards. A your side my side to keep my ONE tween's computer activity close to my Military peripheral vision and Soldiering monitoring stealth mode, LOL. Never liked computers in the bedrooms, this is perfect...
