Refinishing a dining room table

by Ouina
I took an old laminated, oak finish table dated from the 60's but good bones dining table and refinished with an updated look. What do you think? It's my husband's parent table and he did NOT want it around. But after the redo he changed his mind.
Table base before starting.
Table top just starting. I began by sanding very lightly with 220 grit. Followed by a coat of mahogany polycoats stain. Let dry 24 hours.
Lightly sanded the base with 220 grit and painted with Glidden Gripper white primer/sealer.
First coat of Valspar "mossy bench" paint/primer. 24 hours between coats.
Sanded and applied second coat of Miniwax Polyshades. I applied 4 coats each time lightly sanding between coats and wiping it free of dust with cheesecloth.
Base with two coats of the green paint. This paint was left over from painting my bedroom!
Applied a color wash of a gray to soften the green and give it an aged look. 6 parts glaze mixed with one part sample paint bought at Lowes called English Tea Party.
Three coats of Minwax Polycrylic (sanding lightly in between coats with 220 grit) and reassembled for use in my breakfast room! The orchid is one I've had for 5 years and started blooming last month. Had to show it off too!
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  • Mar Mar on Sep 03, 2019

    Very nice!!

    "Base with two coats of the green paint"

    Can you please tell me what color it is.

  • William Neil Plowman Jr. William Neil Plowman Jr. on Sep 05, 2019

    Im not sure if my table is laminate or not....its not solid??

    Also your step says three coats of that just the base or all over??


  • Chrystal Rose Chrystal Rose on Sep 19, 2020

    My grandmother would like her Tell City Dining Set refinished, but I'm not sure that it's solid wood...You mentioned that your table (which is gorgeous) was laminated wood. Did you sand over the laminate and was the laminate only the top of the table?

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  • Sally Wiese Sally Wiese on Jun 10, 2017

    There are tables in a restaurant/bar in town that has all their tables, AND THE BAR TOP AND FRONT, made from pallet boards. All have many coats of "Polyurethane" on them and it is unbelievably beautiful. All different colors of original boards, not sanded ---because the tops are coated heavily in the poly. The base is plywood, I would assume, and then the pallets on top and the polyurethane. You have to see this because the beauty is unbelievable. I sat in awe. That was the first time I ever heard of this and seen it. Now everybody knows about this and are doing so many different ideas with them. Give it a try. You just have to be careful not to get brush marks and air bubbles in the polyurethane and allow time for the coats to thoroughly dry after each coat.

  • Joanie Joanie on Sep 17, 2019

    This table is so pretty and looks so strong......great job!!
