Painting white toaster

Cosmos Plus
by Cosmos Plus
I hate my white toaster. Can I use regular paint spray (red) or I need a special paint ?....and, do i sand it first or add primer? or just spray it ? thanks for your advice
  10 answers
  • I would think you should be able to use regular spray paint. The toaster wouldn't get hot enough to have to use special heat-resistant paint. I would start with a primer (Rusty Metal Primer by Rust-Oleum is one of my favorites) then paint. The Rust-Oleum 2x Ultra Cover spray paints are great and have a fabulous red - I think it is called "Apple". (I'm not affiliated with Rust-Oleum, just a huge fan!!) Hope this helps!
  • Erica Martin Erica Martin on Jan 05, 2014
    I would probably use the high heat spray paint just to be safe.
  • Carrie Carrie on Jan 05, 2014
    I would also recommend using a high heat spray paint, just to make sure.
  • Judi Gray Judi Gray on Jan 05, 2014
    only thing I can think of is, determine if it's plastic or metal and use the correct paint!!
  • Joni Yuhas Fecher Joni Yuhas Fecher on Jan 05, 2014
    Appliance Paint is what I would use.. It does come in a Spray Can.
  • Wendy Willey Wendy Willey on Jan 05, 2014
    Why not just make or buy a toaster cover for it?
  • Is this toaster special? Because toasters do not have a long life span nowadays and it seems that it would be worth just donating that one and buying another one in a color you want. Target and many other stores have colored appliances. I spray paint just about everything but appliances are one thing that I will not consider since they are for food prep - and toasters heat up and most are made out of thin tin or other metals, spray paint might not adhere or stick long term. If you do not like your toaster out, then as Wendy suggested find a toaster cover. I put mine in a deep drawer to hide it.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Jan 07, 2014
    Toasters are not expensive enough not to replace instead of taking a chance with the wrong paint. By the time you buy a couple of different paints, you have paid half the price for a toaster!
  • Capernius Capernius on Apr 24, 2015
    before you paint or sand anything, you need to know how the toaster is it plastic or metal? are the sides attached directly to the toaster or are they offset? offset sides will have a gap between the toaster & the outside will have to turn the toaster upside down to see the gap(and it will not be a huge gap, maybe 1/8 of an inch max) regardless if you have plastic or metal, I would make sure to prime that whole thing first. what most people don't understand about primer is that primer sticks to the surface better that paint alone....and primer also gives the paint something to grab onto so the paint will last longer. If you have plastic on the outside of your toaster, that's one kind of primer & paint; if you have metal, that is a totally different kind of primer & paint. Paint made for plastic, will not stick to metal for any length of time....paint made for metal will not stick to plastic for more than a few hours. So make sure you get the correct kind of paint.