Color Block Your Table

Use a table to bring in vibrancy, just add Unicorn SPiT and block off areas using painter’s tape. Get tutorial here

Create A Rainbow Curtain For The Kitchen

Gather beads and different polyester curtains, then sew them together for a spectacle of color adorning your window. Get tutorial here

Make Your Table A Bright Metallic Shade

Purchase a quart of Benjamin Moore and add metallic gold detailing to your table for an instant explosion of color. Get tutorial here

Use Removable Paintable Wallpaper

Choose a chipper color such as yellow or orange to this wallpaper, that way, when you’re bored you can switch it out. Get tutorial here

Repurpose A Tablecloth To Add Color

Simple remove the cushion from a boring chair, then staple in a vibrant patterned tablecloth over it. Get tutorial here

Transform Your Kitchen With Stencils

Add a bright painted stencil pattern into your table or walls to bring detail in. Get tutorial here

Store Kitchen Tools In A Colorful Cabinet

Take a steel cabinet, pastel spray paint, and a primer for a wondrous vibrant kitchen addition. Get tutorial here

Use A Talavera Tile Table For Brilliant Color

Utilize Royal Design Studio’s Stencils and Chalk Paint for a playful touch to your kitchen. Get tutorial here

Incorporate Abstract Colors With Unicorn SPiT

Paint the rainbow gel stain and glaze in one for a surprising shock of color sure to give life to your kitchen. Get tutorial here