What should I do to update an off centered and outdated fireplace?

by Carolyn
Tile sample in the corner is one option I’m thinking to reface the fireplace
Big hearth at base that is in the room that I’m currently using as a dining room
  7 answers
  • Nancy_ingram14 Nancy_ingram14 on Dec 29, 2017

    I like the stacked stone but would also change out the black marble to something lighter and get new doors/screen. If you like a more traditional look, you may want to add a wood mantle cap. Or possibly take the stone all the way up and add a floating mantel. For a more contemporary look, I like how in the picture, they boxed out the fireplace.

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  • V Smith V Smith on Dec 29, 2017

    I am all about symmetry, but thats just my nature, and it can't always be that way. If you are going to remove the bricks, your choice of stacked stone will certainly bring you into a current trend. The most bothersome thing for me is the deep, full length hearth. It was a big design trend in the 70's but it just hogs floor space that could be so much more of a design feature. If the long hearth must remain, I would suggest putting a couple of bookcases on the right side of it and then using trim moldings, make them look built in. If you remove the bricks and the long hearth and scale back on the wall and just cover the fireplace with the tiles your options will really open up. You can stay with the half tiled wall or go all the way up to the ceiling, making the fireplace more of a feature. The photo options above look great. Do you know if the hardwood floor is under the hearth?

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    • Sharon Sharon on Feb 20, 2018

      I would have them lift up that marble slab on the hearth, trim down the brick to no more than 2 bricks high, have them tear out the right side of the fireplace to have it symmetrical. Then face the whole thing to suit you. You can have the slab cut down to fit the new hearth, or just remove the bricks all together and have the slab inset into the floor opening with a bit of trim.

  • Kelly Crutchfield Kelly Crutchfield on Dec 29, 2017

    You could keep the brick the same width as the skinny side on both sides and take down the rest. Build shelving on both the sides of the fireplace. And add a little deeper mantle. Either painted dark or buy similar material to match the bench. Then paint brick and shelves either accent color or the grey you already have. If it won't make the room too dark you could remove all the brick and surround the fireplace with black marble with painted shelves flanking with a good stained wood mantle. Have fun.

  • Sandy Sandy on Dec 29, 2017

    Instead of removing the brick, cover the entire wall, all the way across, (wall to wall) with molding. Leave a small area around the fireplace to install stacked stone. Add a mantle and cover the bottom with stacked stone. If it’s possible, you could remove the black marble (big job) and replace with large seating pavers. Spray paint your fireplace surround with heat acceptable paint. The pic doesn’t show wall to wall molding but gives you an idea.

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  • Nanag57 Nanag57 on Jan 04, 2018

    I have a brick off center fireplace too. I didn't want to spend a fortune on it so I white-washed it with Annie Sloan paint in Off White. It changed the entire look and now I'm happy. Maybe next time I'll go with the more expensive options but this was awesome for now (and the foreseeable future!).

  • Eileen Eileen on Feb 20, 2018

    Paint it