What’s the best way for storing pans and Tupperware?

by Tracey

What’s the best way for storing pans and Tupperware

  5 answers
  • Sherri Onorato Sherri Onorato on May 25, 2019

    Always get the same pans and tupperware so they look nice in your cupboard or draws and make sure they stack!

  • Alice Alice on May 26, 2019

    It's so much easier if all of your plastic storage containers are the same brand. I stack all my Tupperware and I put the lids in a loaf pan. I do the same thing with my pots and pans. I put the skillets in one stack and the sauce pans in another.

  • Joan Stanley Joan Stanley on May 26, 2019

    I use a short, square laundry basket that fits under the shelf of a lower cabinet. It slides in and out easily to find just what you need. In addition, use a small letter or plate holder to stand the lids up on edge So you can judge the size you need. You can also use various colored permanent markers to color-code lids to containers for fast matchup.

  • Bushra Bushra on May 30, 2019

    Here I put a list of good product together might be helpful for you as well. There you go, https://bushraslifestyle.com/clutter-free-home/

  • Bushra Bushra on Jun 25, 2019

    Here is the best list of products I use to make my life easy in my home... https://bushraslifestyle.com/clutter-free-home/

    Hope it helps! Bushra