Small space closet organizing ideas?

by Ora13080541
I have a small bedroom 12 by 12 no closet 1 window and the breaker box is in this room would like to have some ideas on type of closet or storage ideas that doesn't take up lot floor space since its already very limited floor with bed and dresser any tips or ideas ? thanks

  2 answers
  • Janice Janice on May 02, 2018

    First off, maybe try to find a piece of art that you can hang to cover the breaker box. Next, sort through your clothes and if you have lots of knit tops or T-shirts, I've found that folding the items in half and then rolling them is a good way to store them in a smaller area. Then perhaps one rolling-type temporary wire cart might be able to serve as storage for the remaining "hang-up" clothes. Shoes might be able to be stored in shallow cut-down cardboard boxes to slide under your bed. I have lots of items stored under my bed in shallow boxes....rolled up pj's, rolled up T-shirts, shoes, etc. When space is limited you resort to "weird" storage ideas. Hope this helps with yours.

  • Joan Stanley Joan Stanley on May 02, 2018

    Perhaps your better clothes could hang on hooks flat against the wall. Store out-of-season clothes in sealed bens in the attic. (Or well wrapped in plastic bags) Hang a shoerack on the back of the room door.