DIY Bar Cart

I LOVE Bar Carts! I always have. I've been meaning to get one for myself but it just hasn't been in the budget. So I set out to DIY one for an affordable price.
The Bar Cart gods were definitely looking down on me when I went to a garage sale and stumbled upon this Cart that was only 2.00!!
It's really rusty but we just took an electric drill with a wire brush attachment to it and it took majority of it off. There are still some bumpy spots in places but Its nothing I can't deal with.
After we removed all the rust We primed and Spray painted the handles and the trays.I don't have photos of this part but it's pretty self explanatory. After everything dried I added a herringbone pattern to the trays using a gold Paint pen.
I then painted some of the spaces with Gold, pink, and mint. There wasn't any rhyme or reason to the pattern I just did what I liked.
Then when the paint dried we assembled it and Voila! A beautiful bar cart for a total of about 10.00 (if you have to buy the paint) I already had all of the paint on hand so really it only cost me the 2.00 for the Cart! Score!
For more details and Photos just visit the link below.
Stacey @addisonmeadowslane
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  • Kathy Kathy on May 14, 2018

    I have the same cart. Not rusty like yours, but have been wanting to paint it. Yours looks great! Thanks for the inspiration.

  • Michelle Michelle on Jan 23, 2020

    That is fantastic. I have an old cart like this and didn't know what to do, now I do.

    Thank you for sharing. Now to find the cart that is buried in the garage.
