HARVEST 1.5 cu ft Organic Claybreaker: ANYONE TRY this & does it WORK

Jim Ginas
by Jim Ginas
Has anyone tried this? DO I have to dig up the grass and mix it in, or can you pour it ON the grass and let it mix in slowly? sprinkler and/or rain??
  8 answers
  • Jane Jane on Nov 09, 2013
    You must work this into the soil well to improve it. It helps to break up clay in the soil to improve the tilth of the soil.
  • You should be able to spread with a yard spreader. No need to dig up anything. It is applied the same way as pelletized lime.
    • See 3 previous
    • @Jim G yes.
  • Margaret Barclay Margaret Barclay on Nov 11, 2013
    Did you think to turn the bag over and read the instructions?
    • Jim Ginas Jim Ginas on Nov 11, 2013
      @Margaret Barclay no, I didn't, BUT I trust the people on Hometalk more then I trust a company selling the product. I find LOTS of products are not honest with their marketing, and some Hometalk input, like Gretchen below is specific to Virginia and helps LOTS! Thanks.
  • Gretchen Gretchen on Nov 11, 2013
    Ah, good Virginia clay. I have used plain gypsum and worked it into the garden soil as I dig. I haven't noticed a big difference - yet - but I heard that it takes years for the gypsum to do its job. I think that digging in lots of regular compost, mushroom compost, a small amount of peat moss, manure, worm castings, etc will all help. And if you are trying to improve the soil in your lawn? Aerate and seed in the fall (might be a little late right now)...and before you apply the seed, spread mushroom compost over the aerated lawn. Do this for a couple of years and you will see great results!
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    • Jim Ginas Jim Ginas on Nov 11, 2013
      @Gretchen figured I'd put flags around the area to keep anyone from walking on it for 4-6 weeks.
  • Catherine Smith Catherine Smith on Nov 12, 2013
    I'd spread on the area you want to work and "shallow" till it in, Jim. Add a layer of compost as well. The gypsum will help loosen the clay, but the compost will bring the worms, the "real" clay breakers. If we could make china from this stuff, we'd all be rich! LOL It takes time and patience as well, you have to stay with it, the more organic materials the better added regularly.
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    • Jim Ginas Jim Ginas on Nov 13, 2013
      @Catherine Smith ok, thank you Catherine. I'm only trying to grow grass there and it grows now and into spring, but dies in hot weather and weeds fill in..... pics attached...
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  • Catherine Smith Catherine Smith on Nov 14, 2013
    Did you get a soil test of your lawn? Browning out in the summer is normal with most of fescue type grasses we grow here in VA. However, if you getting weeds as a replacement, the ph may be off. Grass needs a ph of about 7 to do well, and especially with our high temps and humidity. If you shallow till that area adding the clay breaker and compost, I'd over seed with additional fescue grass and include some annual rye seed mixed in. The annual rye comes up fast, it will hold the soil in place and help smother out weed seed. It dies back in the winter, however, that dieback provides additional nitrogen to the up and coming fescue. Once the newly planted grass come in, mow on a high setting for the first several times. You want to encourage the grass to send down a good root system, not work on growing taller. Once established, that should help with a lot of your "weed" issues. I use to work in a local farm & garden center that sells huge amounts of grass seed to both homeowners and commercial lawn services. This is the type of formula they use in the big hydroseeders that do the highway medians, etc. Seems to work quite well. Stay away from the chemical fertilizers, if I remember correctly, there is a site in your area that sells high grade organically made compost for fertilizer. You can buy it by the truck load and spread it as needed. If we lived closer I'd provide you with some freshly made Bokashi juice to spray on the lawn. That's loaded with beneficial organisms that really help the grass and other plants to unlock the nutrients in the soil. Totally organic and usable on almost anything. Love the stuff!!
    • See 5 previous
    • Catherine Smith Catherine Smith on Nov 16, 2013
      @Jim G Call the extension office it's listed under government in the phone book. They can provide you with a kit etc. Don't think their open on the weekends.
  • Channen Channen on Jan 15, 2015
    I have to ask..Catherine..have you worked on a golf course or as a landscaper? If not, you've missed a calling lol. Fantastic advice ;)
  • Kimberly Kimberly on Aug 09, 2015
    Yes it works. If you are able to till or cultivate your soil. Integrate this in.....keep it watered for a week. Best when you use it in the fall. Then the next spring and following fall use the pellets.