How can I keep water from causing damage to my property?

my neighbors house is higher than mine. Their drain pipes are aimed at my house causing a lot of water just laying next to the house. How can I prevent all this water from just sitting there?

  7 answers
  • Kim26394460 Kim26394460 on Feb 22, 2018

    A trip to your city planner will come out and see if their drainage was put in “legally” and “to code”. Usually they are not—they may issue them fines until they address and correct it! Good luck-it’s worth your trouble!

  • Kimargires is correct. It illegal to drain water onto a neighboring property. Let the village, town, city or county, be the bad guys. If you have a good rapport with them, then I would suggest a nice chat. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt that they do not know better and will be happy to redirect their downspouts. If not, let the local authorities enlighten them. On your side, I would consider installing a French drain for extra protection. I did that at my house, it is a long story, but it solved the problem.

    • Erin Erin on Feb 25, 2018

      I too can support the French drain. We had a dehumidifier In our basement that ran non stop until we dropped big bucks on a French drain in our basement with a second sump pump. The only problem is that the expelled water is eroding the dirt along our front walk.

  • Zac Builds Zac Builds on Feb 22, 2018

    This happens a lot in my city. There are a few things you can do prevent the water damage.

    First off, the easiest thing you can do is talk to your neighbor and discuss was that the water can be directed away from both of your properties. I dont know what the exact layout looks like, but perhaps the water can be directed to the front or the back of your properties easily with some downspout extensions.

    If your neighbor wont go for that than you can always attempt to grade your own property. Add earth around the perimeter of your building and try to have the ground sloping away from your home everywhere. Paving stones, screening and other landscaping products are all good options as well. The key thing is that the ground must slope away from your building. Even if it means creating a small valley between your house and your neighbors. Its better that the water settles away from your building.

    Finally you can consider adding some water proof membrane to the perimeter of your building. There's a number of products out there for this, and it kind of depends on how your home is built. Some are large plastic sheets you bury in the earth, some are tar products that you can roll onto the foundation.

    Hope that helps.

  • Imjhale Imjhale on Feb 22, 2018

    If you aren't on friendly terms with your neighbors, you well probably need to get code enforcement involved. Make a few calls, they are usually helpful. Or find out first, then talk to your neighbor. Hopefully can be resolved without acrimony

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Feb 23, 2018

    You could possibly talk to them about putting on extensions that turn a different way like to the back of their yard, OR you could put in French drains by your own lot or home (if it is lower than the shared edge of your lot)

  • Nee Nee Nee Nee on Feb 23, 2018

    I agree with all recommendations posted. Contact the homeowner and attempt a resolution. If your attempt(s) are unsuccessful contact your local, state of city government. Some local areas have neighbor resolution dispute boards that can assist you too. Good Luck!!!

  • Blaire Simpson Oslander Blaire Simpson Oslander on Feb 26, 2018

    If you don't have any luck with the above, consult with a landscape architect about options. There are a lot of attractive options. The cost will be worth it if it avoids water damage. Good luck!