Our St Augustine grass is turning yellow.What can I put on it to help?

by Linda
  5 answers
  • Wel10612130 Wel10612130 on Jul 17, 2017

    Epsom Salts....magnesium

  • Molly Anmar Molly Anmar on Jul 17, 2017

    1 Water your grass to immediately hydrate it and start the greening process. In most hot climates, St. Augustine grass requires irrigation once every three to six days. Use enough water to get the dirt wet to a depth of 8 inches. This encourages the grass to send roots deeper into the soil, which in turn promotes a healthier, greener surface appearance that's more resistant to drought and stress.

    2 Mow your lawn every 10 days, keeping the St. Augustine grass at a height of 2-1/2 to 3 inches. At this height, your lawn can better resist weed and pest invasions, and it also encourages deeper rooting and reduces stress on the plant.

    3 Leave the grass clippings on the surface of your lawn. As the clippings decompose, they return essential nutrients, such as nitrogen, to the lawn and encourage greener growing results.

    4 Fertilize your St. Augustine grass to perk it up, make it greener, promote greater turf density and reduce its susceptibility to pests and disease. The University of California recommends spreading 2 pounds of nitrogen for every 500 square feet of St. Augustine grass during the March to October growing season, split into four even applications.

    5 Control weeds and pests, which reduce lawn health and appearance and create stressful conditions for the grass. For weeds, either remove them by hand or apply an herbicide that's specifically labeled for use on St. Augustine grass. Unlike some grass species, St. Augustine grass is more susceptible to the various post-emergent lawn herbicides on the market. Grubs and chinch bugs are some of the most commonly encountered pests in St. Augustine lawns. Fight them with a broad-spectrum lawn insecticide formulated with deltamethrin or bifenthrin.

  • Karen Karen on Jul 17, 2017

    And cut back any watering you are doing.

  • Peggy Peggy on Jul 17, 2017

    Turning yellow might be to much water

  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Jul 18, 2017

    Epsom salt will help with the drainage!