Bees in our bird bath! Help!

Kim P Guyer
by Kim P Guyer
I have a solar bird bath...the bees have found the water and won't leave! the bird bath is fairly deep, so I have rocks in the water for the birds to stand on, but the bees take over.

  9 answers
  • Susan Ellis Yamakawa Susan Ellis Yamakawa on Jun 30, 2017

    leave the bees alone! They can co exist

  • Carol Carol on Jun 30, 2017

    We had the same problem. We solved it by removing the water for 1 week. The bees moved on & we refilled our bird bath with water. The bees weren't harmed & problem solved!

  • Kaye Kaye on Jun 30, 2017

    Try planting a bee attracting bush or plant nearby. Bees normally don't care for water (I think). Please don't kill the bees as the rest of your garden - and us need then.

  • CRE MOORE CRE MOORE on Jun 30, 2017

    There might be a hive nearby, you should check it out...carefully!

  • Lyn Buerger Lyn Buerger on Jun 30, 2017

    Bee's need water too and they do create the food you eat. But are they bees or wasps/hornets. If they are the pesky kind find their nest and get rid of them, but give the bees a break. Get another bird bath (in another location for the bird)

  • KattywhampusLOL KattywhampusLOL on Jun 30, 2017

    Hello Kim, Here is a quote from a webite I am posting for you that deals with MANY different scenarios on how to get rid of bees (the site is posted online by a professional bee removal company):

    " ... If you you'd like to get rid of bees in this case, at evening or early morning remove the feeder for perhaps a week or let it run dry for a week. This will break the bee's flight pattern and force them to find a new water source. ..."

    and at a DIY site it suggests that while you are maintaining a DRY birdbath you may want to set up an alternative BEE bath, and tells you how to do that: "... Like all living beings, bees also need water to cool off in the hot summer. There has to be an alternate water source available so that the bees and other insects can be discouraged from using the birdbath. ... "

    GOOD LUCK! :)

  • Lora Lora on Jun 30, 2017

    I agree! Bees need water too and I don't think the birds will mind.

  • Kim P Guyer Kim P Guyer on Jun 30, 2017

    My "problem" is that I have so many nectar producing plants, plus water... in Southern California water is tough to find. I won't harm the bees. 😊 Just curious if they will ever move on...

  • Kwh33607268 Kwh33607268 on Jun 17, 2018

    after going to this website and reading all the answers on what to do with bees in the bird bath, I wanted to let everyone know that for a couple of weeks bees were keeping the birds away even though I have 2 bird baths.... I’ve left things alone but changing the water everyday! I ran the sprinkler for 3 hours over the one with the bees... I just looked out and even though the bees are still there, the birds are bathing and drinking along with the bees! They do coexist! Sooo happy!!!