How do you stop roots from a silver maple growing into the tree ring??

AJ Smarsh
by AJ Smarsh
I put a tree ring around a silver maple and in 3 years the roots have grown up into it 18 inches tall and has taken over all the flowers and plants inside the tree ring. The landscape stones I used have become uneven and gapped. If I cut all those roots out with a chainsaw is there something I can put around the trunk to keep it from resprouting all those roots??

  2 answers
  • 13526476 13526476 on Jun 29, 2017

    If you cut the roots, the tree will probably die. There is nothing you can do to stop the roots spreading. The older the tree gets, the more expansive those roots become. Not all silver maples do this, but once it does, short of cutting it down, there's little you can do. The problem with the silver maple is the habit of rooting just under the earth. In most Midwestern states, silver maples are considered "weed trees" because they are weak with branches breaking during winds and storms. Check out Gardening Know How (.com), surface tree roots.