How to keep toads from digging by foundation of h0use?

by Nancy
stop toads from digging by house
  3 answers
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Aug 10, 2014
    Do whatever you can to keep the area dry and free of anything, including debris and plant matter, that would provide shelter for them.
  • Lori Jackson Lori Jackson on Aug 12, 2014
    Just curious, why would you care? Do they cause damage? I would think they would be awesome natural pest control.
  • Marly Marly on Aug 12, 2014
    Good points from Douglas and Lori. I'd add that you can make a homelike area for them further from your house to lure them away. Use a piece of damp / mossy wood. You can also put an upside-down flower pot with a hole cut out to be a door of the toad-house. Put a little birdbath over there for them, if there's not a natural source of water nearby.