How to kill a grape vine

Terea H
by Terea H
My neighbor has several grape vines that invades my yard chocking through my lilac bushes. The vines were there when they moved in that house and they have no attachment to them. How can I kill these invasive creatures??
  6 answers
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Apr 25, 2014
    If your neighbors invite you onto their property to kill the grape vines, you would need to sever every vine and then paint the surface of the cut with an herbicide. If they do not, your only course is to prune what comes over the fence.
  • Terea H Terea H on Apr 25, 2014
    Thank you Douglas. I'll see if they will let me do the 1st. If not I'll do the second.
  • Theresa Shaut Theresa Shaut on Apr 27, 2014
    Many crafters/florists would love that grapevine in the fall, cut it, bundle it and sell it! Might make you feel a little better.
  • Gretchen Gretchen on Apr 27, 2014
    If I might make a suggestion based on Douglas's idea, first spray the foliage with an herbicide (ie a Brush Killer or the Round-Up type spray made for woody plants not just the regular stuff), wait a few days/a week for the herbicide to travel from the leaves to the roots, then sever the stem/trunk. That way you give it a one-two punch. Then keep you eyes open for tiny saplings which may have spread and get them while they are still small!
  • Terea H Terea H on Apr 28, 2014
    Good idea Theresa. Never thought of that :)
  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on Sep 06, 2023

    This is just the thing! I find this works wonderfully. You have to cut the vine and then brush this on the top of where you cut it. Bonide It will travel down to the roots and kill the plant. Cut it wherever it is coming back and brush that on.