I've got ants again because we had a few days of rain. Now what???
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Well you need to explain where they are...
IF THERE IS NO WAY ANIMALS CAN COME IN CONTACT WITH IT, just use Xylitol sweetener. You can find it in any health food store & on line. Just know that Xylitol will kill house pets. Super toxic to them.
Outside use Diatomaceous Earth. Use food grade only so it will be safe for human & animal contact, just know that it will kill all insects, good & bad.
A thin line of dish soap where they come in, bugs won't cross dish soap.
go online and order Advion Ant Gel. If the ants are inside your home put down a few drops of this gel. Allow them to "swarm" to the gel and eat it. May take 2 days. Then, they will carry i t back to the nest and be gone for many weeks. should they come back. bait them again.~
Make sure you have nothing out that would attract them. You can buy Home Defense from Lowe's. It is a spray and works on contact. They are looking for water. Make sure you don't have any leaks for them to drink.
The liquid ant bait is the best. I sat it up on window seals and top of cabinets. Have'nt had any ants for a couple of years
Sugarfeets, thank you so much, will get some when I go out tomorrow!!!!
Make your own ant bait: https://www.hometalk.com/diy/outdoor/pest-repeller/quick-dyi-sweet-bait-to-treat-and-get-rid-of-your-ants-18515410
How to Get Rid of Ants With Borax & Sugar