Keep woodpeckers away from azek trim?

Carol H
by Carol H
We replaced wood damaged by woodpeckers with azek trim and hung some fake owls in the area, but the woodpeckers have already destroyed the trim. It was expensive and A LOT of work so we are frustrated. Any other ways to keep woodpeckers away?

  4 answers
  • 2dogal 2dogal on Mar 05, 2018

    Spray the wood with an insecticide. Woodpeckers are looking for insects in the wood to eat.

    • Carol H Carol H on Mar 05, 2018

      It is brand new trim and it isn't made out of wood. After we took the old trim off, we sprayed the area before putting on the new trim and chose plastic for that very reason. That's why we're stumped!

  • Well, the woodpeckers are looking for bugs so your first step would be to eradicate the bugs.

  • Shoshana Shoshana on Mar 06, 2018

    I keep birds away by hanging some old CDs outside. The reflection from the sun scares them off

  • It's hard to break their habit of going to that location for a snack. Mylar strips might help, a dog might help. If you're sure there are no bugs to eat then it might just take time for the birds to figure out there's no food there