Laminate china cabinet

by Donna
How can I redo a China cabinet that the laminate is all chipped and stained. It is press board underneath. If i can get the laminate off I was thinking maybe wallpaper?
This is the china cabinet that is laminate. I need ideas to redo it
  11 answers
  • Nannabecky Nannabecky on Nov 11, 2015
    wall mart carries a textured spray paint in different colors...i did my bathroom counter top & the cabinet doors in a blue granite then painted the cabinet in gloss white.
  • The Redesign Habit The Redesign Habit on Nov 11, 2015
    I'm not sure if you want to try and remove the laminate. You may end up with more headaches trying to do that. I think your best bet is to use a textured paint or create your own texture by applying several coats of paint and stippling it. This can hide a lot of flaws and will save you a lot of time trying to remove that old laminate. Fill the bigger chips and dings with wood filler first and then use a good primer first so that your paint will adhere to the laminate. There are a whole lot of great products you can use that add texture to your surface and will hide the chips and dings. If you want to add wallpaper inside the cabinet to add interest to the look be sure and fill any bigger chips with a good filler first and let that dry thoroughly before you try applying the wallpaper.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Nov 11, 2015
    Strip off the existing finish, maybe fill in with some wood filler, smooth it out ,clean throughly and re-stain the piece.Go on Min-Wax .com to see all the steps they sell.
  • Ouina Ouina on Nov 12, 2015
    One idea: remove the hutch and repurpose as a bookcase/display by adding legs and paint with the interior a different color. The base - remove the top and replace with a wood or marble/limestone/rock top. If wood, most are staining dark and painting the base a different color to contrast and distressing, new knobs, etc. If adding a wood top to the existing one, trim the edge and then stain with the rest a distressing/painted look. I've also had good luck by lightly sanding the laminate and applying several coats of a gel stain to get the look I want and then sealing with several coats of polycrylic to protect. Lots of luck - post what you do as it looks very interesting!
  • Dth2938993 Dth2938993 on Nov 12, 2015
    Have you ever heard of Annie Sloan chalkpaint? This is paint that goes over anything. It would make this piece look beautiful. Lots of info about this paint on the internet.
    • Fab and Pretty Fab and Pretty on Nov 12, 2015
      @Dthardy I love chalk paint I do think a spray paint primer coat followed by chalk paint and distressing would help the 'chips' look a part of the design.
  • Patricia Patricia on Nov 12, 2015
    You could glue any loose pieces of laminate then add wood filler to the chipped areas. Apply some Annie Sloan chalk paint (as suggested in a previous comment) and it will look lovely. I re-did a 1970's china cabinet for my daughter using this method. I'll include before/after photos. Good luck with your project!
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  • Eloise Eloise on Nov 12, 2015
    I achieved excellent results using Rustoleum's Cabinet Transformations on a laminate bathroom vanity. It's available in both dark and light kits.
  • Jbe2623618 Jbe2623618 on Nov 12, 2015
    Chalk Paint..... You can get the recipe off Pinterest and save a ton of money. You can chalk paint over any type of surface.
    • Donna Donna on Nov 14, 2015
      Thank you I'm not sure what chalk paint is but I will check it out and give it a shot
  • Donna Donna on Nov 12, 2015
    What is chalk paint?
  • Janettey Janettey on Nov 15, 2015
    I actually did a couple of pressed wood cabinets. I used "Kilz Primer" Works great! Covers the darkness with one coat and makes it so the paint sticks. Mine had scratches and dings too. I first used a wood putty to fill in and then a scraper to make it even. I used wood putty in a white color for one. (This color because I was painting it white. So I did not need it to match the wood.) Worked great! The wood putty comes in a variety of colors, not just wood colors. I got the Kilz primer and the putty at Home depot. Save your painting hands from going over and over and over trying to cover the dark wood, use the Kilz.
  • Dorina Szczepanski Dorina Szczepanski on Feb 01, 2016
    You can also purchase chalk paint. I love Amy howard from Ace hardware. It can be painted over anything without sanding or priming.
    • Donna Donna on Feb 01, 2016
      Thank you so much. don't have Ace Hardware in Canada but I'll check our hardware stores here