What's the best way to label your kitchen cabinet doors for painting?
Will be painting the kitchen cabinets white and everyone suggests labeling the doors and drawer fronts. What's the best way to do this? If I'm painting them won't the labels be painted over?
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I put a piece of tape on the backside of the doors with a number on it and just started from right to left in the kitchen, cabinet 1, cabinet two etc. If you plan on painting the backs you will have to remove the number to do that but you can just stick it by each door then so having it on a piece of tape is handy.
Painters tape on the door or drawer you remove and a corresponding piece inside the cabinet.
I do exactly what GrandmasHouseDIY suggests. I use blue painters tape.
Use painters tape and write the numbers on them then draw a map on a piece of paper using the corresponding numbers so you don’t get mixed up.
Painters tape is the way to go. I would remove the numbered piece of tape when painting, put it on the dry side of the door as you paint the other side.