First time crackle painting... what did I do wrong?
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I used 99cent store white glue for my jewelry box revamp. I am getting back to crafting and art after 26 years of stagnation...and I was astounded by the smooth beauty of it! I am now doing a shelf that runs the whole length of my bedroom (built into the wall... don't ask! lol). I'm creating an escape bedroom being a Harry Potter fanatic! I'm mixing the Gryffindor Common Room with their bedroom dorm area. Any how, it's a fun thing to do this crackle! You have to pay attention to the direction you want your crackle to go and I simply painted the glue on (a bit watered down to spread easier, and then I literally painted in one stroke over it. Going over it a bit will change it and make much finer crackles... over all... it amazed me at how well it went. I also used a blow dryer to crack it where I wanted it to have more or larger cracks. The finish is very smooth to the touch. And it is a mix of a really good latex (Lowe's bargain paints already oops mixed) and Apple Craft Paints. The majority of the Cream color is the latex base and then I mixed a brown shade as well as a grey into my 'pick up paint' before laying it down. I first painted over the dark old wood finish with a dark gray craft paint mixed with plaster of paris to give it a bit of grit for my glue and top paint to adhere. It was all simply a 'guess your best' project. But my end result was absolutely beautiful and couldn't be any more of what I was hoping to achieve (miracle!) Easy and cheap! The best kind! The Mexican Sarape Table underneath was actually my FIRST attempt back to doing some kind of art a few months ago... the catalyst to feeling creative again!
I like it, it looks authentic like an old piece.