Asked on Dec 15, 2015

How to make Minwax furniture wax a softer, more spreadable consistancy

Dee Lynch
by Dee Lynch
Can you add anything to Minwax furniture wax to make it softer and spread more evenly?
  12 answers
  • Jonnie Hammon Jonnie Hammon on Dec 15, 2015
    Essential oils, they are pleasing to your senses as well. Check them out.
  • Have you tried putting a small amount in the microwave for 10 seconds or so? I do this with fondant for cake decorating to soften it a bit. Might work.
    • Lalybelle Lalybelle on Dec 15, 2015
      @Heather (New House New Home) That's exactly what I do. I "nuke" it for 30 seconds, and have totally usable wax!
  • Jam1141312 Jam1141312 on Dec 15, 2015
    I scoop some out of can into a small bowl, then crush with the spoon and stir it up.
  • Lagree Wyndham Lagree Wyndham on Dec 15, 2015
    I agree with the others let the wax warm up.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Dec 15, 2015
    You can purchase an inexpensive candle warmer from the craft stores to help soften the wax.
    • See 2 previous
    • Accentuations! Accentuations! on Dec 16, 2015
      I put mine under a lamp to warm it first and then mix in a few drops of mineral oil to help it spread easier. It's kind of like letting your butter set out before serving. Hope that helps
  • Kathy Kathy on Dec 15, 2015
    Heat it up a little, mix in a little mineral oil. Then it will stay softer even when cool. Sorry, I never measured.
  • The Redesign Habit The Redesign Habit on Dec 15, 2015
    You can mix about 80% furniture wax with about 20% mineral spirits and you should end up with a buttery consistency...easier to spread... I just eyeball it when I do it...hard to measure exactly so go lightly at first and add more of either to get the consistency you want...:)
    • Dee Lynch Dee Lynch on Feb 16, 2016
      @The Redesign Habit I would have to worry about the mineral spirits taking off the chalk paint just applied and dried. Or would I?
  • 9530106 9530106 on Dec 15, 2015
    It does't take much to soften it. I noticed late this fall, when my can was sitting in the sun, it really melted the wax around the edge. Gosh, I have had that can of wax for probably 30+ years!
    • See 1 previous
    • 9530106 9530106 on Feb 23, 2016
      @Dee Lynch I don't know where my response went that I posted awhile back.Anyway, what I asked is if your can is maybe completely dried out, if you could get a little on a rag and try to apply it. It sounds as though your can may be defective, and all dried out. Any chance of returning it?
  • ditto...sun and/or a bit of mineral spirits
  • Duv310660 Duv310660 on Dec 20, 2015
    Hmm, I just checked back on this to say that - for some reason - I find minwax way easier to work with than any other wax, and I am dominant-hand impaired (can't rotate, bear weight or push). I don't always use a brush, but I wonder if that would help you. I just work the bristles in a wee bit, then pounce it on the inside lid (the imprint tells me it's not too goopy). A used wax brush will have a bit of flare to the bristles; this will allow for a lighter load of wax to go further. Apply in progressive circular motion. Use a lamp angled off the surface to get a better look at how it's covering. You don't want a solid, heavy 1-time coverage or need to 'smear' it on... opt for a lighter coat, and repeat once or twice more so that everything is covered well.
  • Dee Lynch Dee Lynch on Feb 16, 2016
    I used a bit of mineral oil (food grade) but it seems that the wax is still in chunks even mashing it with a big pronged fork. Will the mineral oil added 'never dry' like it does straight? I'm just afraid to use the mineral spirits since it may take off the dried paint. Do I have a bad can of wax? It is new.
  • The Redesign Habit The Redesign Habit on Feb 22, 2016
    I've never had that problem....just go lightly and try on a small less noticeable area until you see how it goes....