How do I?

by Chelley

How do I weigh down an outdoor Candy Cane that stands next to porch railing? Something besides sand. It has to be funneled thru the holes where light bulbs are.

  14 answers
  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Dec 04, 2021

    Hi Chelley,

    Do you have a picture that you can share? It is hard to visualize how large your candy cane is or where the holes are and how large they are. Why not just attach it to the porch railing, there are several ways you can do this...thin wire, fish line for examples.

    Why is sand a problem?

  • I would use zip ties and attach it to the railing.

  • William William on Dec 04, 2021

    I do what Ann suggests. I zip tie a plastic blown Santa to the railing. Since it doesn't have a fill hole and an exit hole.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Dec 04, 2021

    What material is your candy cane made out of ?

    If you live where it freezes at night (or during the day) water poured into the candy cane (as Betsy suggests) is going to freeze and expand, possibly cracking the candy cane if it is made out of plastic. I can not envision putting water in such as object to weigh it down.🤔

    Yes, please post a picture so that we can see exactly what you have to work with.

  • Mogie Mogie on Dec 04, 2021

    You could use fishing line tied at several points to secure it. Good thing about fishing line is that it is very cheap, nearly invisible and easy to install and take down.

  • Sounds like you might have to tie it down unless your local home improvement store has a heavy material that can fit into the holes. They sell bags of sand pretty inexpensively or try rock salt.

  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Dec 05, 2021

    Have you tried using a pot to put it in with rocks and dirt that may hold it up but zip ties and fishing line is easiest and will keep it from blowing away

  • Deb K Deb K on Dec 05, 2021

    Hi Chelley, you can try this, A good anchoring system that isn't too obstructive is rebar and rope. Using a rubber mallet, pound the rebar or other heavy-duty metal stake into the ground behind your decoration. Then attached a sturdy chain or heavy rope, preferably to a hole or opening on the back of the item.

  • Dee Dee on Dec 05, 2021

    How about tree or plant stakes to hold the candy canes up.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Dec 06, 2021

    Fix a rod to the back of it and set the rod into concrete!

  • Annie Annie on Dec 06, 2021

    A Pic would really be a help......

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Dec 07, 2021

    Pick up some balloon weights from the dollar store and attach to those.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Dec 12, 2021

    Hello. Could you use zip ties to attach to the rails. Alter perhaps small diy sand bags might be considered…using sandwich bags?

  • Michelle Leslie Michelle Leslie on Dec 26, 2021

    Hi Chelley, perhaps you can use cable ties to tie the candy can to the railing. It might be easier than weighing it down.