Repair scratches on a Bombay Mahogany 4 Poster Bed

Victoria Patel
by Victoria Patel
Please help! I purchased a used bed with a couple of major scratches on the headboard which has been poorly touched up. Can anyone advised if they have successfully found a stain or technic to do this themselves? All firms who repair/refinish furniture want to strip and refinish at the cost of a new bed. See photo's attached. Please know I live in Toronto Canada.
  4 answers
  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Mar 13, 2018

    Try Restore a Finish. Comes in a variety of finishes. IN Unavailable in hardware stores and Home Depot. Rub on with a soft cloth, wipe off with a second cloth. Wear gloves it will stain them. I have sued it to save a variety of pieces. Love the bed. I am a big fan of mahogany furniture.

    comment photo
  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Mar 13, 2018

    You could refinish and repair them yourself for a fraction of the cost. You could also fill in the scratches and paint if you want to paint them. Either way it won't be too hard for you to do. Refinishing will be more time consuming with all the stripping and sanding, etc., but still would not be hard to do for you.

  • GrandmasHouseDIY GrandmasHouseDIY on Mar 13, 2018

    Refinishing this would not be difficult, I would sand out the scratches and do a sand over the entire face and then stain to match the rest of the bed

  • Victoria Patel Victoria Patel on Mar 13, 2018

    Your reply/suggestion is sincerely appreciated.

    My problem is finding a stain that would match. It is a very dark Bombay Mahogany as is most of the furniture from Bombay company. Have you ever looked for this colour or any suggestions. I have tried to find someone who will custom make a stain to colour match without success?