Tension rod shower curtain issues
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The new rods twist and lock in place, but even though I get it on tight, it occasionally just crashes down. Has anyone found a way to make it stay in place?
Hot glue gun, make a couple half circles on wall below were the rod sits.
the walls in this 50's fixer are nowhere straight, i wound up using the rope caulk that comes in a box.....rolled a goodly amount and stuck it around both ends of the tension rod, it's held up pretty well. it only came down once in the past year. thanks to mimi the cat trying to wash her "mousey" in the tub.
Velcro is another option if it is where it won't get wet.
I have a cheapy tension rod from the dollar store. It has been up 5 years and has not fallen as yet. I measured it for the fit and increased the tension one or two extra times. The rod is on the tiles as my tiles go to the ceiling. I installed one at a friend's place for her curtains and same thing. It has not fallen. Make sure it is super tight. Test it by pulling on it after putting it up. If, when pulled on, it falls, it means the tension is not enough so give it a few turns. If, when pulled on, it does not budge then you should be good to go.
I don't have any patience. I just cut the bottom of my shower liner. My problem is solved!!!
You can kill two birds with one stone by using those wall hooks that have a transparent base with adhesive on the back that won't mess up your tile if you ever want to remove the hooks. I use this myself on tile in the bathroom. I wouldn't recommend it for walls, though, textured or otherwise. Attach one transparent-base hook to the tile at each end of the shower, just below where you want the end of the rod to touch the tiled wall. Then put up and tighten your rod so the ends are just above the transparent base of the hook (not the hook itself). The transparent base of the hook will then serve to catch the rod if it wants to slip. And you can periodically re-tighten the rod every few months or whenever if you want to make sure it doesn't get too loose. This idea keeps the curtain rod up AND gives you handy, strong hooks to hang towels and things. Just search Amazon or Google for "adhesive transparent hooks for towels". I even use a slightly heavier-than-usual shower curtain (plus liner) with 6 pockets used for loofah, soap, headrest, etc, and it holds up just fine.
I sanded the rubber ends and they never slipped again.
So I have this problem all the time. I am going to try velcro. I will let you know if it works.